Thursday, September 2, 2010


This morning Michelle McBride of Triple Crown Nutrition, Inc made the journey from Los Banos, CA to Crow's Ear Farm on behalf of my sport horses nutritional needs.  We put our heads together and devised a feed program to meet 2 hard keepers, a coming on 2 yr old, a senior horse with Epilepsy and 2 ponies.  The remaining two geldings are easy keepers and the Complete formula will be ideal.  I have issues of weight gain in a very thin horse and the Training formula will be best suited for him.  My yearling coming on 2 will have the advantage of me feeding him either the Growth or Senior feed.  It depends if I want a beet pulp base or sweet feed for his diet.  Since I am now breaking him......I will go with the Senior beet pulp feed!!!  The nutritional values duplicate themselves with the Growth grain. 

I really think this is going to be a very successful change for my horses.  I fed another brand feed for the past 30 years. Moving to N. CA where pastures are not as ideal as they were in VA, required me to take a second look and make this change.  It really surprises me how such a move affects diet and work-out routines.  I am finally getting a handle on it and all 8 horses seem much happier now.  

I would like to approach Triple Crown with the following strategy:

Laine Ashker representing TC on the East Coast/ Valerie Ashker representing TC on the West Coast!  How cool is that for a mother/daughter~ trainer/competitor advertising campaign!!!!!!

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