Monday, November 22, 2010

CEF's duo of Model American & The Big Island were Stars @ Eventful Acres

even in the cold and steady rain last Friday.  What made it even more 'eventful' is it was Lil Mod's 1st time out over a cross country (he is 3) and Lyle's first time out since Woodside Summer HT's and as always....he unloaded out of the trailer with that bad boy attitude " show me something I can not do".......AND DID IT.  Laine and I have to keep reminding ourselves he is only 4.......but he is absolutely amazingly brave and eager to have the chance to shine!  (something he did not do at the racetrack!!!)  We were delighted with the day's results and the student base that joined us made up of Fiona & Sophia Zeier, Cori Davis and last but not dear friend and riding buddy from WAY back, Shelly Collins Wiley.  Proof was on their faces as we loaded to go home even with the inclement weather threatening.  Another successful mini clinic for Laine Ashker and Crow's Ear Farm!  Our horses and friends make us look soooo darn good!

"Lyle" LOVES H2O!

The Big Island over Prelim chevron skinny

something that ALWAYS happens across Laine's face when she steps into Lyle's irons


Lil Mod (Model American) takes his first steps into the water comlex!

This is much more fun than galloping at the track 4 months ago!

Wow!  Is this 'over the top' or what??!!!!!  Lil Mod never stopped once.....

Model American has a positive effort at the water jump!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Val and Lainey, we all had a great lesson @ Hiskens. I loved watching Lainey riding with Sophia right behind on her new horse Sunny! You'd never know it was Mods first time out on xc, she looked like a pro. I liked watching the girls face as Lainey rode Lyle, followed by their ooohs and aaaws!! What a fun day we had even in the rain.!!
