Thursday, April 21, 2011

It has been a lengthy but excitingly progressive trek since my last entry

and I have been across the United States flying back & forth to help daughter Laine in her competition schedule as she has progressed to the incredible Rolex 4* International Event in Lexington, KY on April 27-May 1st.  I eagerly return to VA this Friday to haul Laine and our amazing Anthony Patch to this country's most prestigious event!  We are so fortunate to not only qualify but arrive with a happy sound competitor ready the 4* star task ahead!  There is a wonderful article in this month's Practical Horseman highlighting Laine's career and it is indeed a very heartfelt read.  Pick it up and get to know her on a more personal basis in "Making a Comeback"!  Cheer on #26!!!

The following pictures are just photo moments I shot when I attended her shows.  
You can follow the updates here on my site or go to
Remember to watch LIVE on NBC Sports the final phase of stadium on Sunday, May 1st at 2pm-3pm EDT.  
2010 earmarked daughter Laine as "The Come Back Kid" to my family.   Laine's galloping all smiles through the stadium finish flags will go down in my memory as the number 1 reason why Life remains so precious and fulfilling: About second chances and keeping the 'eye on the prize'.  Laine encompasses all of this.  She is a true grit example of hope to all of us and why this country even now at it's weakest, remains courageously strong. Let's all exhale and pause for a moment to realize that anything beyond last year is a bonus for us and Laine truly walked away THE WINNER.  I love you my daughter.  I am so very proud of you.  And ALL of our horses are proof of the loving character you demonstrate each and every day.

1 comment:

  1. All Good Stuff! Great to hear how well everyone is doing! See you all at Rolex! Go #26!
