Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Packing my bag and Ms. Stella by Starlight for yet ANOTHER adventure

via Delta into Richmond, VA to help 'winter' move my daughter to Aiken, SC!  I am thrilled to be helping Laine in her pursuit of Rolex CCI**** in April and the road getting there!  So much to much pressure to produce blue ribbon results and a chance to fill a revered spot on the London USA team!  My confidence with "Al" and Lainey in the irons is bursting over and I welcome the opportunities to prove ourselves once again!!!  TEAM CROW'S EAR FARM!!!!!
Raptor has been progressing lovely.  Laine returned to CA for a clinic last month and we all hauled to Ram Tap for a wonderful day of x-c!!!  Raptor had NEVER seen a fence before in his life.....and after a couple of logs later....he found out he had rear legs to push off from!!!!  It's funny.  A race horse can run 26 times in his career and never realize that he has a back end that can offer strength and power as he changes his daily routine from 'breezes to squeeze through the treezes" on single track, sheer rock, steeply ascending "trails"!!!!!  He has been an absolute trooper with the entire agenda here on the farm and his continual 'yes I can do that' response will help him get to the 'starred' events he was destined for.  The words from his race trainer were "Valerie, this is a Special horse....he is going places.....and I want you to offer him the chance of proving himself".  Raptor Force certainly will be part of a historical list that his trainer and my dear friend, Rhoda March has offered to us.  
Raptor Force is scheduled to arrive on the east coast in April/May after Rolex so look for him for sale with Laine campaigning him in full 'Force'!!!!

Amanda Blaszkowski in the irons 
Whom else?  STELLA!!!!

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