Tuesday, December 4, 2012

I was under the weather yesterday but the sun was FINALLY out beckoning me to the barn and get some chores done.  I pulled Hardly Humble out of the stall and popped a saddle and bridle on and away we went.  I hand walked him a mile to the trail head and found a wonderful fallen tree to leg me up into the saddle!  I felt on top of the world in spite not being 100% and had the time of my life!  We took up a trot on the way home and I was able to feel what I saw in the video I posted!!!!!  Hardly Humble is going to ROCK the event world in the next couple years!  He is the result of what I have in mind for TB's down the road.  I will be breeding my incredible mare Paula to The Twain and hope to produce what I believe to be THE EVENT PROSPECT of American TB's.  Incidentally, The Twain's bottom side is NZ bred so we have a bit of a melting pot of talent within this bloodline.  How fabulous!  It's only a matter of Time.  
With Calling All Comets and Last Comet Shining aboard and now Hardly Humble, I believe the representation of our American JC Thoroughbred eventers will set a standard well beyond where we are presently.  Time & Sunshine.  And a FEW GREAT BLOODLINES.....

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