Friday, October 15, 2010

A wonderful way to finalize this week!

Little Model American was incredible this afternoon jumping a one to a two stride grid with a 3'3 oxen out!  He CLEAN changed across the diagonals at the canter and was just amazing with saying "yes ma'am I can do that too" attitude!  This guy may not have been the jewel at Golden Gate Fields Racetrack BUT he is a diamond at Crow's Ear Farm!  Some rider is going to call me for 100 more like him when he/she buys him for their barn!  Here are 2 links of some of last week's flatwork.  Remember, he is only 3 yrs. old!  Crow's Ear Farm "Model American" and CEF "Model American" 2.

           Another highlight is finally finding an incredible 5 yr. old mare Global Children for my long waiting student Sophie Zier!!!  I truly believe this will be a match made in Heaven as the mare is a fabulous mover and has the lowest hocks which suggests she can jump the moon!  I am thrilled for her and the Zier family.  For Global Children too!

Global Children


  1. thanks for finding us the horse we've been waiting for

  2. Thanks for finding us the horse we have been looking for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Thank you Val!! Sophia has been riding Sunny on trails everyday and beaming when she comes back, she even jumped over a log today!!!
